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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Immobilization of Amaranthus leaf oxalate oxidase on alkylamine glass.

A membrane bound oxalate oxidase from leaves of Amaranthus spionsus has been partially purified and immobilized on alkylamine glass with a yield of 9.2 mg protein/g support. The enzyme retained 99.4% of initial activity of free enzyme after immobilization. There was no change in the optimum pH (3.5) and Vmax but the temperature for maximum activity was slightly decreased (35 degrees C) and energy of activation (Ea) and Km for oxalate were increased after immobilization. The immobilized enzyme preparation was stable for 6 months, when stored in distilled water at 4 degrees C. Presence of Cl- did not affect the activity of immobilized enzyme.[1]


  1. Immobilization of Amaranthus leaf oxalate oxidase on alkylamine glass. Pundir, C.S., Goyal, L., Thakur, M., Bhargava, A.K. Indian J. Biochem. Biophys. (1999) [Pubmed]
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