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FGF-10 stimulates limb regeneration ability in Xenopus laevis.

By reciprocal transplantation experiments with regenerative and nonregenerative Xenopus limbs, we recently demonstrated that the regenerative capacity of a Xenopus limb depends on mesenchymal tissue and we suggested that fgf-10 is likely to be involved in this capacity (Yokoyama et al., 2000, Dev. Biol. 219, 18-29). However, the data obtained in that study are not conclusive evidence that FGF-10 is responsible for the regenerative capacity. We therefore investigated the role of FGF-10 in regenerative capacity by directly introducing FGF-10 protein into nonregenerative Xenopus limb stumps. Exogenously applied FGF-10 successfully stimulated the regenerative capacity, resulting in the reinduction of all gene expressions (including shh, msx-1, and fgf-10) that we examined and the regeneration of well-patterned limb structures. We report here for the first time that a certain molecule activates the regenerative capacity of Xenopus limb, and this finding suggests that FGF-10 could be a key molecule in possible regeneration of nonregenerative limbs in higher vertebrates.[1]


  1. FGF-10 stimulates limb regeneration ability in Xenopus laevis. Yokoyama, H., Ide, H., Tamura, K. Dev. Biol. (2001) [Pubmed]
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