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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Design and synthesis of water-soluble glycopolymers bearing breast tumor marker and enhanced lipophilicity for solid-phase assays.

Water-soluble T-antigen containing glycopolymers [ Gal beta(1,3)-GalNAc alpha) having a high degree of lipophilicity were synthesized from poly[N-(acryloxy)succinimide] (6-10) by amidation with an amine-ending T-antigen derivative (3) and various amines of increasing alkyl chain length (ammonia and methyl-, ethyl-, and propylamine). The enhanced lipophilicity was demonstrated by a solid-phase microtiter plate assay (ELISA) with mouse monoclonal antibody FAA-J11 (IgG3) and by a core 2-beta(1,6)-N-acetylglucoaminyltransferase using tritium-(3H-) labeled UDP-GlcNAc substrate. The new materials were thus useful in solid-phase high-throughput screening for drug discovery.[1]


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