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Cutting edge: negative regulation of immune synapse formation by anchoring lipid raft to cytoskeleton through Cbp-EBP50-ERM assembly.

Ag recognition by T lymphocytes induces immune synapse formation and recruitment of signaling molecules into a lipid raft. Cbp/PAG is a Csk-associated membrane adapter protein exclusively localized in a lipid raft. We identified NHERF/ EBP50 as a Cbp-binding molecule, which connects the membrane raft and cytoskeleton by binding to both Cbp through its PDZ domain and ezrin-radixin-moesin through the C terminus. Overexpression of Cbp reduced the mobility of the raft on the cell surface of unstimulated T cells and prevented synapse formation and subsequent T cell activation, whereas a mutant incapable of EBP50 binding restored both synapse formation and activation. These results suggest that anchoring of lipid raft to the cytoskeleton through Cbp-EBP50- ezrin-radixin-moesin assembly regulates membrane dynamism for synapse formation and T cell activation.[1]


  1. Cutting edge: negative regulation of immune synapse formation by anchoring lipid raft to cytoskeleton through Cbp-EBP50-ERM assembly. Itoh, K., Sakakibara, M., Yamasaki, S., Takeuchi, A., Arase, H., Miyazaki, M., Nakajima, N., Okada, M., Saito, T. J. Immunol. (2002) [Pubmed]
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