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Shortage of vaccines during a yellow fever outbreak in Guinea.

A yellow fever epidemic erupted in Guinea in September, 2000. From Sept 4, 2000, to Jan 7, 2001, 688 instances of the disease and 225 deaths were reported. The diagnosis was laboratory confirmed by IgM detection in more than 40 patients. A mass vaccination campaign was limited by insufficient international stocks. After the epidemic in Guinea, the International Coordinating Group on Vaccine Provision for Epidemic Meningitis Control decided that 2 million doses of 17D yellow fever vaccine, being stored as part of a UNICEF stockpile, should be used only in response to outbreaks.[1]


  1. Shortage of vaccines during a yellow fever outbreak in Guinea. Nathan, N., Barry, M., Van Herp, M., Zeller, H. Lancet (2001) [Pubmed]
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