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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Rapid assessment of the physiological status of the polychlorinated biphenyl degrader Comamonas testosteroni TK102 by flow cytometry.

The viability of the polychlorinated biphenyl-degrading bacterium Comamonas testosteroni TK102 was assessed by flow cytometry (FCM) with the fluorogenic ester Calcein-AM (CAM) and the nucleic acid dye propidium iodide (PI). CAM stained live cells, whereas PI stained dead cells. When double staining with CAM and PI was performed, three physiological states, i.e., live (calcein positive, PI negative), dead (calcein negative, PI positive), and permeabilized (calcein positive, PI positive), were detected. To evaluate the reliability of this double-staining method, suspensions of live and dead cells were mixed in various proportions and analyzed by FCM. The proportion of dead cells measured by FCM directly correlated with the proportion of dead cells in the sample (y = 0.9872 x + 0.18; R(2) = 0.9971). In addition, the proportion of live cells measured by FCM inversely correlated with the proportion of dead cells in the sample (y = -0.9776 x + 98.36; R(2) = 0.9962). The proportion of permeabilized cells was consistently less than 2%. These results indicate that FCM in combination with CAM and PI staining is rapid (<or=1 h) and distinguishes correctly among live, dead, and permeabilized cells.[1]


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