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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Activation of Drosophila Toll during fungal infection by a blood serine protease.

Drosophila host defense to fungal and Gram-positive bacterial infection is mediated by the Spaetzle/Toll/cactus gene cassette. It has been proposed that Toll does not function as a pattern recognition receptor per se but is activated through a cleaved form of the cytokine Spaetzle. The upstream events linking infection to the cleavage of Spaetzle have long remained elusive. Here we report the identification of a central component of the fungal activation of Toll. We show that ethylmethane sulfonate-induced mutations in the persephone gene, which encodes a previously unknown serine protease, block induction of the Toll pathway by fungi and resistance to this type of infection.[1]


  1. Activation of Drosophila Toll during fungal infection by a blood serine protease. Ligoxygakis, P., Pelte, N., Hoffmann, J.A., Reichhart, J.M. Science (2002) [Pubmed]
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