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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

From elicitins to lipid-transfer proteins: a new insight in cell signalling involved in plant defence mechanisms.

Elicitins and lipid-transfer proteins are small cysteine-rich lipid-binding proteins secreted by oomycetes and plant cells, respectively, that share some structural and functional properties. In spite of intensive work on their structure and diversity at the protein and genetic levels, the precise biological roles of lipid-transfer proteins remains unclear, although the most recent data suggest a role in somatic embryogenesis, in the formation of protective surface layers and in defence against pathogens. By contrast, elicitins are known elicitors of plant defence, and recent work demonstrating that elicitins and lipid-transfer proteins share the same biological receptors gives a new perspective to understand the role played by lipid binding proteins, mainly the early recognition of intruders in plants.[1]


  1. From elicitins to lipid-transfer proteins: a new insight in cell signalling involved in plant defence mechanisms. Blein, J.P., Coutos-Thévenot, P., Marion, D., Ponchet, M. Trends Plant Sci. (2002) [Pubmed]
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