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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

The Drosophila immune defense against gram-negative infection requires the death protein dFADD.

Drosophila responds to Gram-negative infections by mounting an immune response that depends on components of the IMD pathway. We recently showed that imd encodes a protein with a death domain with high similarity to that of mammalian RIP. Using a two-hybrid screen in yeast, we have isolated the death protein dFADD as a molecule that associates with IMD. Our data show that loss of dFADD function renders flies highly susceptible to Gram-negative infections without affecting resistance to Gram-positive bacteria. By genetic analysis we show that dFADD acts downstream of IMD in the pathway that controls inducibility of the antibacterial peptide genes.[1]


  1. The Drosophila immune defense against gram-negative infection requires the death protein dFADD. Naitza, S., Rossé, C., Kappler, C., Georgel, P., Belvin, M., Gubb, D., Camonis, J., Hoffmann, J.A., Reichhart, J.M. Immunity (2002) [Pubmed]
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