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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

A controlled evaluation of cognitive behavioural therapy for posttraumatic stress in motor vehicle accident survivors.

Seventy-eight motor vehicle accident survivors with chronic (greater than 6 months) PTSD, or severe sub-syndromal PTSD, completed a randomized controlled comparison of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), supportive psychotherapy (SUPPORT), or a Wait List control condition with two detailed assessments. Scores on the CAPS showed significantly greater improvement for those in CBT in comparison to the Wait List and to the SUPPORT conditions. The SUPPORT condition in turn was superior (p=0.012) to the Wait List. Categorical diagnostic data showed the same results. An analysis of CAPS scores including drop-outs (n=98) also showed CBT to be superior to Wait List and to SUPPORT with a trend for SUPPORT to be superior to Wait List. The CBT condition led to significantly greater reductions in co-morbid major depression and GAD than the other two conditions. Results held up well at a 3-month follow-up on the two active treatment conditions.[1]


  1. A controlled evaluation of cognitive behavioural therapy for posttraumatic stress in motor vehicle accident survivors. Blanchard, E.B., Hickling, E.J., Devineni, T., Veazey, C.H., Galovski, T.E., Mundy, E., Malta, L.S., Buckley, T.C. Behaviour research and therapy. (2003) [Pubmed]
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