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Membrane receptors for steroid hormones: signal transduction and physiological significance.

Membrane receptors for steroid hormones affect signaling pathways that modulate nuclear function, influence neuronal activity, ion flow, and the circulatory system. Indeed, 'new' steroid hormones have been identified by their interaction with membrane-initiated signaling systems. A brief summary of the FASEB Summer Research Conference devoted to these topics is presented in this mini-review. In addition, attendees of the meeting propose introduction of the following terminology: membrane-initiated steroid signaling (MISS) and nuclear-initiated steroid signaling (NISS) to replace more inaccurate terms in current use.[1]


  1. Membrane receptors for steroid hormones: signal transduction and physiological significance. Nemere, I., Pietras, R.J., Blackmore, P.F. J. Cell. Biochem. (2003) [Pubmed]
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