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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Self-measured versus ambulatory blood pressure in the diagnosis of hypertension.

OBJECTIVE: We examined to what extent self-measurement of blood pressure at home ( HBP) can be an alternative to ambulatory monitoring ( ABP) to diagnose white-coat hypertension. METHODS: In 247 untreated patients, we compared the white-coat effects obtained by HBP and ABP. The thresholds to diagnose hypertension were > or = 140/> or = 90 mmHg for conventional blood pressure (CBP) and > or = 135/> or = 85 mmHg for daytime ABP and HBP. RESULTS: Mean systolic/diastolic CBP, HBP and ABP were 155.4/100.0, 143.1/91.5 and 148.1/95.0 mmHg, respectively. The white-coat effect was 5.0/3.5 mmHg larger on HBP compared with ABP (12.3/8.6 versus 7.2/5.0 mmHg; P < 0.001). The correlation coefficients between the white-coat effects based on HBP and ABP were 0.74 systolic and 0.60 diastolic (P < 0.001). With ABP as a reference, the specificity of HBP to detect white-coat hypertension was 88.6%, and the sensitivity was 68.4%. CONCLUSION: Our findings are in line with the recommendations of the ASH Ad Hoc Panel that recommends HBP for screening while ABP has a better prognostic accuracy.[1]


  1. Self-measured versus ambulatory blood pressure in the diagnosis of hypertension. Hond, E.D., Celis, H., Fagard, R., Keary, L., Leeman, M., O'Brien, E., Vandenhoven, G., Staessen, J.A. J. Hypertens. (2003) [Pubmed]
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