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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Magnetoencephalographic studies of two cases of diffuse subcortical laminar heterotopia or so-called double cortex.

Two cases (a young male and a girl, suffering intractable epilepsy) of diffuse subcortical laminar heterotopia, or so-called double cortex ( DC) have been investigated using magnetoencephalography (MEG). MEG confirmed involvement of both cortices (hetero- and normocortex) in the genesis of interictal spikes, and, according to the heterogeneity of DC syndrome, some differences were observed: spike initiation in the normocortex and latter involvement of the heterotopic cortex in the man, and rather a cancellation in both cortices in the girl. In addition, participation of heterotopic cortex in physiological activities could be demonstrated in the man.[1]


  1. Magnetoencephalographic studies of two cases of diffuse subcortical laminar heterotopia or so-called double cortex. Toulouse, P., Agulhon, C., Taussig, D., Napuri, S., Biraben, A., Jannin, P., Carsin, M., Scarabin, J.M. Neuroimage (2003) [Pubmed]
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