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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Acute alcoholic intoxication and naloxone. Effects on visual evoked potential.

Experimental assays analyzing visual evoked potential (VEP) changes during an acute alcoholic intoxication were carried out in two groups of cats: One with continuous ethanol (0.06 g/kg.min) i.v. perfusion. Another one with a naloxone (400 micrograms/kg) i.v. injection 10 min before ethylic perfusion. Naloxone potentiates alcohol effects on VEP parameters, and on the appearance of isoelectric postpotential and flat VEP.[1]


  1. Acute alcoholic intoxication and naloxone. Effects on visual evoked potential. Dawid-Milner, M.S., Díaz-Calavia, E.J., Fernández del Moral, R., Jiménez-Vargas, J. Rev. Esp. Fisiol. (1992) [Pubmed]
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