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Disease relevance of Perfusion


Psychiatry related information on Perfusion


High impact information on Perfusion

  • Sildenafil and ocular perfusion [11].
  • After in vitro perfusion of the tAL, the lumen-to-bath chloride gradient did not produce a diffusion potential in Clcnk1-/- mice in contrast to Clcnk1+/+ and Clcnk1+/- mice [12].
  • However, there were no differences in myocardial perfusion between the two groups, as assessed by thallium scanning [13].
  • By 12 hours after the beginning of therapy, the mean opening cerebrospinal pressure and the estimated cerebral perfusion pressure had improved significantly in the dexamethasone-treated children but worsened in the children treated only with cefotaxime (controls) [14].
  • After perfusion of the liver with asialotransferrin, the exocytic CVs were shown to contain resialylated Tf, indicating that the trans Golgi was the origin of this class of CVs [15].

Chemical compound and disease context of Perfusion

  • We monitored intraesophageal pressures during acid perfusion (O.1N hydrochloric acid) in 17 reflux patients with gross esophagitis and positive pain response and 17 age-matched controls [16].
  • Using a perfusion technique of the graft-bearing, it was found that both strains of mice exhibited a diminished glucose-induced insulin secretion after 6 wk of hyperglycemia, when compared with normoglycemic mice carrying islet grafts [17].
  • Finally, treatment with the glutathione precursors S-adenosyl-L-methionine and N-acetylcysteine in the final week of ethanol ingestion significantly reduced lung edema during perfusion ex vivo [18].
  • In contrast, during more pronounced metabolic alkalosis after supplemental bicarbonate drinking, the bicarbonate secretory flux is brisk (-26 +/- 3 and significantly different from zero and persists (-11 +/- 3 even during perfusion with zero luminal chloride [19].
  • In Langendorff perfusion, better functional recovery as well as less creatine phosphokinase leakage after ischemia were obtained in the gene transfected hearts with HSP70 than in the control or nontreated hearts [20].

Biological context of Perfusion

  • We report here a rapid and reversible decrease of the late AHP component following a burst of sodium spikes or a calcium spike, during perfusion with micromolar concentrations of histamine and noradrenaline [21].
  • Repeated perfusion with seawater alternately with and without ethanol leads to a progressive diminution of this specific effect of ethanol, such that after the third application ethanol no longer has any effect on the rate constant of decay of posttetanic poteniation [22].
  • Peripheral alpha antagonists not only preserve renal hemodynamics, but decrease RVR and maintain renal perfusion autoregulation in the face of decreased systemic perfusion pressures [23].
  • RESULTS: Three hundred sixteen patients (11%) failed to reach 85% of the age-adjusted maximum heart rate, 762 (26%) had a low chronotropic index, and 612 (21%) had thallium perfusion defects [24].
  • The 16 patients whose anginal pain was thought to be due to esophageal disease all performed normally on an exercise tolerance test, and in eight of them the association between the esophagus and their symptoms was demonstrated by a positive provocation test result: esophageal acid perfusion was the most useful investigation in this group [25].

Anatomical context of Perfusion


Associations of Perfusion with chemical compounds


Gene context of Perfusion

  • The ETA-receptor antagonists but not IRL 1038 inhibited the ET-1-induced lymphatic muscle and mucosal capillary perfusion failure [36].
  • MAPK activation was studied in biopsy specimens taken from patients with BE before and after esophageal perfusion for 3 minutes with 0.1N HCl [37].
  • In 7 additional volunteers, the effect of cholestyramine was studied during intravenous perfusion of saline or the CCK-A receptor antagonist loxiglumide [38].
  • METHODS: Acid secretion was monitored every 10 minutes by gastric perfusion and backtitration of perfusates in fasted, urethane-anesthetized C57/129 sst2 (-/-) mice and wild-type (+/+) mice [39].
  • Addition of Ang 1 to VEGF (Ang1+VEGF) produced an increase in macroscopically evident perfusion of the corneal neovasculature without affecting macroscopic measurements of length (0.58+/-0.03 mm) or circumferential neovascularity (136+/-10 degrees) [40].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Perfusion


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