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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Toxicity and bioaccumulation of thallium in Hyalella azteca, with comparison to other metals and prediction of environmental impact.

Thallium (Tl) is an extremely toxic but little studied metal. For Hyalella azteca exposed in Lake Ontario water, a 25% reduction in survival (the LC25) occurred at about 48 nmol litre(-1) after 4 weeks. Body concentrations of Tl, which were proportional to water concentrations, averaged 290 nmol g(-1) dry mass at the LC25. Growth was reduced at slightly lower concentrations. Concentrations affecting reproduction were variable at < 50% of the LC25. On a water-concentration basis Tl was more toxic than Ni, Cu or Zn, but less toxic than Cd or Hg to Hyalella; toxicity to Pb was similar. On a body-concentration basis, the toxicities of Tl, Cd, Hg and Pb were all similar. Unlike Cd, Tl toxicity and uptake was affected by K concentrations in the water, and not by Ca, Mg, Na or other ions. Toxicity was proportional to uptake, and body concentrations were better predictors of toxicity than water concentrations in media with varying K concentrations. Preliminary measurements of Tl and Cd uptake by Hyalella from Hamilton Harbour and Lake Ontario sediments suggested that total bioavailable metal concentrations were greater in deep-water sediments from Lake Ontario than in sediments from the harbour. The ratio of bioavailable metal to the toxic threshold was slightly higher for Cd than for Tl, but well below 1 for both metals.[1]


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