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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

An all-in-one dry chemistry immunoassay for the screening of coccidiostat nicarbazin in poultry eggs and liver.

An automated immunoassay for the detection of nicarbazin residues in poultry eggs and liver was developed. The assay was based on a novel all-in-one dry chemistry concept and time-resolved fluorometry. The analyte specific antibody was immobilized into a single microtiter well and covered with an insulation layer, on top of which the label was dried in a small volume. The extracted sample was added automatically to the dry microtiter well, and the result was available within 18 min. Due to the rapidity and simplicity, the quantitative immunoassay could also be used as a high throughput screening method. The analytical limit of detection for the assay was calculated as 0.1 ng mL(-)(1) (n = 12) and the functional limit of detection as 3.2 ng g(-)(1) for egg (n = 6) and 11.3 ng g(-)(1) for liver (n = 6) samples. The sample recovery varied from 97.3 to 115.6%. Typically, the intra-assay variations were less than 10%, and interassay variations ranged between 8.1 and 13.6%.[1]


  1. An all-in-one dry chemistry immunoassay for the screening of coccidiostat nicarbazin in poultry eggs and liver. Hagren, V., Crooks, S.R., Elliott, C.T., Lövgren, T., Tuomola, M. J. Agric. Food Chem. (2004) [Pubmed]
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