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Hsp104 binds to yeast Sup35 prion fiber but needs other factor(s) to sever it.

The interaction of Hsp104 with yeast prion fibers made of Sup35NM, a prion-inducing domain of Sup35, was tested. When fluorescently labeled Hsp104 was added to the preformed fibers, individual fibers were fluorescently decorated uniformly along the fiber length. However, the density of fluorescence differed from one fiber to another, indicating the presence of subspecies of Sup35NM fibers. The time course of fiber formation from monomer Sup35NM was delayed by Hsp104. Hsp104-mediated fragmentation of fibers was tested using bead-tethered fibers. In contrast with the recent report (Shorter, J., and Lindquist, S. (2004) Science 304, 1793-1797), Hsp104 alone was unable to sever the fibers. Yeast cell lysate or the Hsp104-deficient cell lysate plus Hsp104 caused ATP-dependent, guanidine hydrochloride-sensitive fragmentation of the fibers. Thus, in our experimental setup, Hsp104 plus other factor(s) in the yeast cytosol are required for severing yeast prion fiber. The reason of discrepancy from the above report is unknown but is possibly caused by different conformational subspecies of prion fibers.[1]


  1. Hsp104 binds to yeast Sup35 prion fiber but needs other factor(s) to sever it. Inoue, Y., Taguchi, H., Kishimoto, A., Yoshida, M. J. Biol. Chem. (2004) [Pubmed]
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