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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Activation of the vasoactive intestinal peptide 2 receptor modulates normal and atrophying skeletal muscle mass and force.

Of the two known vasoactive intestinal peptide receptors (VPAC1R and VPAC2R), the VPAC2R is expressed in skeletal muscle. To evaluate the function of the VPAC2R in the physiological control of skeletal muscle mass, we utilized the VPAC1R selective agonist [K15,R16,L27]VIP(1-7) GRF(8-27)-NH2 and the VPAC2R selective agonist Ro-25-1553 to treat mice and rats undergoing either nerve damage-, corticosteroid-, or disuse-induced skeletal muscle atrophy. These analyses demonstrated that activation of VPAC2R, but not VPAC1R, reduced the loss of skeletal muscle mass and force during conditions of skeletal muscle atrophy resulting from corticosteroid administration, denervation, casting-induced disuse, increased skeletal muscle mass, and force of nonatrophying muscles. These studies indicate that VPAC2R agonists may have utility for the treatment of skeletal muscle-wasting diseases.[1]


  1. Activation of the vasoactive intestinal peptide 2 receptor modulates normal and atrophying skeletal muscle mass and force. Hinkle, R.T., Donnelly, E., Cody, D.B., Sheldon, R.J., Isfort, R.J. J. Appl. Physiol. (2005) [Pubmed]
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