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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

The effect of 12-step self-help group attendance and participation on drug use outcomes among cocaine-dependent patients.

OBJECTIVE: Although cocaine-dependent patients are frequently referred to 12-step self-help groups, little research has examined the benefits of 12-step group attendance in this population. Moreover, the distinction between attending meetings and actively participating in 12-step activities has not typically been examined. METHOD: In the National Institute on Drug Abuse Collaborative Cocaine Treatment Study, 487 cocaine-dependent outpatients were recruited at five sites for a randomized controlled trial of 24-week behavioral treatments. Study data were examined to see whether self-help attendance or active participation were related to subsequent drug use. RESULTS: Twelve-step group attendance did not predict subsequent drug use. However, active 12-step participation in a given month predicted less cocaine use in the next month. Moreover, patients who increased their 12-step participation during the first 3 months of treatment had significantly less cocaine use and lower ASI Drug Use Composite scores in the subsequent 3 months. Finally, Individual Drug Counseling, based on a 12-step model, and increasing levels of 12-step participation each offered discrete benefits. CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest that active 12-step participation by cocaine-dependent patients is more important than meeting attendance, and that a combination of Individual Drug Counseling and active 12-step participation is effective for these patients.[1]


  1. The effect of 12-step self-help group attendance and participation on drug use outcomes among cocaine-dependent patients. Weiss, R.D., Griffin, M.L., Gallop, R.J., Najavits, L.M., Frank, A., Crits-Christoph, P., Thase, M.E., Blaine, J., Gastfriend, D.R., Daley, D., Luborsky, L. Drug and alcohol dependence. (2005) [Pubmed]
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