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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Periapical innervation of the ferret canine one year after pulpectomy.

Previous studies have shown that, following removal of the dental pulp and its replacement with a filling material, the nerves in the periapical region proliferate within an area of chronic inflammation. This study examined these responses in the ferret in more detail, both quantitatively and in three dimensions, 12 months after pulpectomy which was followed by obturation with gutta percha and zinc oxide and eugenol sealer. The results were compared with the responses after three months. The basic patterns, in terms of both inflammation and neural proliferation, were similar at the two time periods. Both the sizes of the inflammatory lesions and the degree of neural proliferation were lower at 12 months than at three, although the differences were not significantly different in the small number of specimens examined. Bacterial stains failed to show bacteria either in the apical root canal delta or in the periapical area. It is possible that the persistent inflammation was due to the irritant nature of the obturating materials used but not due to the original tissue damage, since extraction sites, by comparison, healed very quickly. Apparently, following endodontic treatment, chronic periapical inflammation and concomitant neural proliferation can continue for long periods.[1]


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