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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Structure of the L (polymerase) protein gene of sonchus yellow net virus.

The complete nucleotide sequence of the L protein gene of sonchus yellow net virus (SYNV), a plant rhabdovirus, was determined by dideoxynucleotide sequencing of cloned cDNAs derived from the negative-strand genomic RNA. The L protein gene is composed of 6401 nucleotides (nt) located between positions 7158 and 13558 relative to the 3' end of the genomic RNA. Sequence analysis suggests that the complementary mRNA contains a 44 nt untranslated 5' leader sequence preceding an open reading frame of 6348 nucleotides that is capable of encoding a polypeptide of 2116 amino acids with a deduced molecular weight of 241,569 Da. The L protein is positively charged, has a high proportion of the amino acids Leu and Ile, and contains putative polymerase and RNA binding domains. Extended alignment of the SYNV L protein amino acid sequence with those of other nonsegmented negative-strand RNA virus polymerases reveals conservation of sequences within 12 blocks that appear sequentially along the protein. A cluster dendrogram derived from the L protein alignments indicates that SYNV is more closely related to animal rhabdoviruses than to the paramyxoviruses and that the animal rhabdoviruses have diverged less from each other than from SYNV.[1]


  1. Structure of the L (polymerase) protein gene of sonchus yellow net virus. Choi, T.J., Kuwata, S., Koonin, E.V., Heaton, L.A., Jackson, A.O. Virology (1992) [Pubmed]
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