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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Spectroscopic properties of ferrous heme complexes of sterically hindered ligands.

Mesoheme IX complexes of sterically hindered ligands 2-methylimidazole, tert-butylamine and 2-methylpyridine in aqueous glycerol solutions are characterized by broad visible absorption spectra at ambient temperature exhibiting close similarities to high-spin ferrous hemeproteins. Spectrophotometric titrations of mesoheme IX with these ligands indicate well-defined equilibria for 2-methylimidazole and tert-butylamine corresponding to the formation of penta-coordinate strong-field ligand complexes. Variable temperature spectra of these complexes from ambient to 77 degrees K exhibit a change to hemochrome spectra characteristic of the low-spin unhindered ligand complexes. Corresponding changes in the visible spectra are not observed for the high-spin hemeproteins deoxymyoglobin, horse-radish peroxidase and cytochrome ć. The appropriate utilization of these hindered ligand heme complexes as model systems for high-spin ferrous hemeproteins has been discussed.[1]


  1. Spectroscopic properties of ferrous heme complexes of sterically hindered ligands. Wagner, G.C., Kassner, R.J. Biochim. Biophys. Acta (1975) [Pubmed]
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