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Immunotherapy as a disease modifier.

Immunotherapy was formerly the treatment of allergic disease by repeated exposure to allergen. Other approaches to immune modulation have emerged using new knowledge of T cell function. The so-called hygiene hypothesis argues that alterations in our environment have resulted in a failure of the immune system to develop normally, such that excessive Th2 type responses to antigen exposures occur. These observations have prompted therapies designed to promote a shift from Th-2 to Th-1 responses. These therapies include bacterial vaccines and stimulation of the immune system with Toll like receptor ligands or bacterial nucleotide immunostimulatory sequences (CpG motifs). Traditional desensitization immunotherapy is being re-examined and anti-IgE therapy is also enjoying a measure of success.[1]


  1. Immunotherapy as a disease modifier. Martin, J.G., Shalaby, K., Michoud, M.C. Paediatric respiratory reviews. (2006) [Pubmed]
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