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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Myeloid bodies formation in triparanol treated cultured cells.

Cultured cells (chicken embryo liver cells and rat embryo fibroblasts) were treated with triparanol (MER-29) for various lengths of time. Both types of cells have developed numerous membranous whorls-myeloid bodies in the cytoplasm. Various stages in myeloid bodies development are described. Acid phosphatase activity was cytochemically demonstrated within the myeloid bodies, indicating their lysosmal nature. This activity appeared only at a late stage of the myeloid bodies formation.[1]


  1. Myeloid bodies formation in triparanol treated cultured cells. Kalina, M., Bubis, J.J. Virchows Archiv. B: Cell pathology. (1975) [Pubmed]
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