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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Predictive value of folate, vitamin B12 and homocysteine levels in late-life depression.

BACKGROUND: The role of folate, vitamin B(12) and homocysteine levels in depression is not clear. AIMS: To investigate cross-sectional and prospective associations between folate, B(12) and homocysteine levels and late-life depression. METHOD: A total of 732 Korean people aged 65 years or over were evaluated at baseline. Of the 631 persons who were not depressed, 521 (83%) were followed over a period of 2-3 years and incident depression was ascertained with the Geriatric Mental State schedule. Serum folate, serum vitamin B(12) and plasma homocysteine levels were assayed at both baseline and follow-up. RESULTS: Lower levels of folate and vitamin B(12) and higher homocysteine levels at baseline were associated with a higher risk of incident depression at follow-up. Incident depression was associated with a decline in vitamin B(12) and an increase in homocysteine levels over the follow-up period. CONCLUSIONS: Lower folate, lower vitamin B(12) and raised homocysteine levels may be risk factors for late-life depression.[1]


  1. Predictive value of folate, vitamin B12 and homocysteine levels in late-life depression. Kim, J.M., Stewart, R., Kim, S.W., Yang, S.J., Shin, I.S., Yoon, J.S. Br. J. Psychiatry (2008) [Pubmed]
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