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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Pharmacokinetics of dibenzylamine administered in a sustained drug delivery system with cefazolin.

The pharmacokinetics of dibenzylamine administered in a sustained drug delivery system with cefazolin was studied after i.m. administration of a dose of 1250 mg to healthy volunteers. The serum and urine levels of dibenzylamine were determined by a GLC technique using a specific nitrogen-phosphorus detector. Characterization of the kinetic parameters was performed by applying compartmental and non-compartmental analysis. Dibenzylamine was found to reach concentrations close to 300 ng ml-1 approximately 5 h after administration. The elimination constant had a value of 0.832 +/- 0.821 h-1 (mean +/- S.D.), which is higher than the release constant of the derivative (0.109 +/- 0.072 h-1) (mean +/- S.D.). These results show that release of dibenzylamine may be considered the limiting kinetic process, which governs the elimination of the product from the organism. Only a small amount of dibenzylamine is excreted in urine unchanged 3.43 +/- 3.28 per cent (mean +/- S.D.). Using the pharmacokinetic parameters calculated for dibenzylamine, a prediction has been made of the concentrations reached in a multiple dosage regimen after administration of a dose of 1250 mg every 24 h. The accumulation factor was 1.09.[1]


  1. Pharmacokinetics of dibenzylamine administered in a sustained drug delivery system with cefazolin. Calvo, M.B., Pedraz, J.L., Domínguez-Gil, A. Biopharmaceutics & drug disposition. (1990) [Pubmed]
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