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Lack of umuDC gene functions in Vibrio cholerae cells.

Attempts to identify an umuDC analog, using interspecific complementation of Escherichia coli mutants with plasmids containing a gene bank of Vibrio cholerae, were not successful. The DNA from none of the vibrio species examined including marine vibrios hybridized to E. coli umuC and umuD gene sequences. These cells are not mutable by ultraviolet (UV) light and cannot Weigle-reactivate UV-irradiated choleraphages, suggesting that vibrios are deficient in the umuDC operon. This possibility is supported by the fact that when the plasmid pKM101 carrying the mucAB genes is introduced into V. cholerae cells, they acquire the UV-mutable phenotype and UV-irradiated choleraphages can be Weigle-reactivated.[1]


  1. Lack of umuDC gene functions in Vibrio cholerae cells. Ghosh, S.K., Panda, D.K., Das, J. Mutat. Res. (1989) [Pubmed]
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