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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Characterisation of a new subgroup of autoimmune chronic active hepatitis by autoantibodies against a soluble liver antigen.

Autoantibodies against a soluble liver antigen ( SLA) were detected in 23 patients with HBsAg-negative chronic active hepatitis (CAH) but not in 502 patients with various other hepatic and non-hepatic disorders or 165 healthy blood donors. Anti- SLA-positive serum samples were negative for antinuclear and liver-kidney-microsomal antibodies, markers of two subgroups of autoimmune-type CAH, 6 anti- SLA-positive patients were negative for all autoantibodies sought. Most of the anti- SLA-positive patients were young women (2 men, 21 women; mean age 37 years) with hypergammaglobulinaemia (mean 3.2 g/l, range 1.8-5.3 g/l); 18 of the 23 patients had received immunosuppressive treatment and all responded well. Anti- SLA titres declined during therapy, corresponding to disease activity. Anti- SLA cannot be detected by immunofluorescence. SLA is not organ-specific or species-specific, but the highest concentrations were found in liver and kidney. Anti- SLA autoantibodies characterise a third subgroup of autoimmune-type CAH and will allow a better differentiation of HBsAg-negative CAH which has therapeutic consequences.[1]


  1. Characterisation of a new subgroup of autoimmune chronic active hepatitis by autoantibodies against a soluble liver antigen. Manns, M., Gerken, G., Kyriatsoulis, A., Staritz, M., Meyer zum Büschenfelde, K.H. Lancet (1987) [Pubmed]
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