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Blood Donors

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Disease relevance of Blood Donors

  • Screening of selected male blood donors for p24 antigen of human immunodeficiency virus type 1. The Transfusion Safety Study Group [1].
  • BACKGROUND AND METHODS: The Sydney Blood Bank Cohort consists of a blood donor and eight transfusion recipients who were infected before 1985 with a strain of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) with a deletion in the region in which the nef gene and the long terminal repeat overlap [2].
  • In a survey carried out from 1985 through 1986, volunteer blood donors to The Greater New York Blood Program were tested for two surrogate markers for non-A, non-B hepatitis--elevation of alanine aminotransferase level and presence of antibody to hepatitis B core antigen [3].
  • The low positive predictive values of some of these assays (71.8-91.7%), even in a high prevalence population, and the need for RIPA to test indeterminate sera, indicate that for routine screening of blood donors there is still room for improvement both in screening and confirmatory assays for HTLV-I/II [4].
  • Autoantibodies against a soluble liver antigen (SLA) were detected in 23 patients with HBsAg-negative chronic active hepatitis (CAH) but not in 502 patients with various other hepatic and non-hepatic disorders or 165 healthy blood donors [5].

Psychiatry related information on Blood Donors


High impact information on Blood Donors

  • Tolerance developed only if the blood donor and the recipient had one HLA haplotype or at least one HLA-B and one HLA-DR antigen in common (as was observed in 9 of these 10 patients) [11].
  • Prevalence of hemochromatosis among 11,065 presumably healthy blood donors [12].
  • Reducing the incidence of non-A, non-B post-transfusion hepatitis by testing donor blood for alanine aminotransferase: economic considerations [13].
  • Evaluation by postal questionnaires, and pelvic radiography of 78 HL-A 27W-positive blood donors selected from a group of apparently healthy subjects revealed 14 who satisfied the criteria for definite ankylosing spondylitis [14].
  • We have now analysed two large samples of data from blood donors in England to test whether the distributions of the ABO and Rhesus blood group phenotypes are random with respect to socio-economic groups as determined by occupational classification [15].

Chemical compound and disease context of Blood Donors


Biological context of Blood Donors


Anatomical context of Blood Donors

  • The expression of KIR and CD94:NKG2 receptors was determined for more than 100 natural killer (NK) cell clones obtained from two blood donors who differ in their HLA class I and KIR genes [26].
  • We have developed a monoclonal antibody (L21) that strongly agglutinates all erythrocytes except In(Lu), and we have identified eight In(Lu) individuals among 42,000 blood donors tested [27].
  • To this end, we extensively screened blood cells from healthy blood donors by a very sensitive seminested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for breakpoint junctions at JH1-5 on 14q32 and the major breakpoint region of BCL2 on 18q21 [28].
  • BCL-2/JH rearrangements in circulating B cells of healthy blood donors and patients with nonmalignant diseases [29].
  • By using serum or cerebrospinal fluid from 25 SMS patients, we assessed the effect of GAD autoantibodies (GAD-A) on GAD enzymatic activity in vitro; 83% of GAD-A-positive SMS sera reduced GABA production in crude rat cerebellar extracts, whereas GAD-A- sera from SMS patients or healthy blood donors did not alter the enzyme activity [30].

Associations of Blood Donors with chemical compounds


Gene context of Blood Donors

  • The presence of soluble tumor necrosis factor (TNF) binding proteins (BP) was investigated in the sera of healthy volunteer blood donors and cancer patients [36].
  • Three patterns of bands of C4 were observed in EDTA plasma from a panel of unrelated blood donors and family members by using the technique of immunofixation electrophoresis [37].
  • Occurrence of the polymorphic GSTP1b variant in the GSTP1 gene resulted in a significantly lower GST enzyme activity (P < 0.05), and GSTP1b was found significantly more often in patients with Barrett's epithelium (70%; P < 0.001) and patients with esophageal adenocarcinoma (76%; P = 0.005), as compared to healthy blood donors (41%) [38].
  • RESULTS: Twelve patients with scleroderma, compared with only 2 blood donors, had KIR phenotypes characterized by the presence of the activating KIR2DS2 and the absence of the corresponding inactivating KIR2DL2 (P = 0.005) [39].
  • The structure of the CYP21 gene was studied in 13 unrelated NC-CAH patients, three affected siblings, and 55 blood donors using polymerase chain reaction [40].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Blood Donors


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  2. Immunologic and virologic status after 14 to 18 years of infection with an attenuated strain of HIV-1. A report from the Sydney Blood Bank Cohort. Learmont, J.C., Geczy, A.F., Mills, J., Ashton, L.J., Raynes-Greenow, C.H., Garsia, R.J., Dyer, W.B., McIntyre, L., Oelrichs, R.B., Rhodes, D.I., Deacon, N.J., Sullivan, J.S. N. Engl. J. Med. (1999) [Pubmed]
  3. Epidemiology of hepatitis C virus. A preliminary study in volunteer blood donors. Stevens, C.E., Taylor, P.E., Pindyck, J., Choo, Q.L., Bradley, D.W., Kuo, G., Houghton, M. JAMA (1990) [Pubmed]
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