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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Clinical response to coronary artery reoperations.

Repeat coronary artery bypass operations were performed on 112 patients at a university hospital between 1971 and 1981. When compared with patients who did poorly after a first operation but did not have repeat surgery, patients undergoing repeat surgery tended to be younger, to have a higher smoking rate and to have fewer prior myocardial infarctions, fewer diseased vessels and fewer lesions in distal vessels. At least 1 graft was occluded in 83% of patients undergoing reoperation, and a mean of 1.7 grafts were placed at reoperation. The operative mortality rate was 4%, with a follow-up mortality rate of 6% at a mean of 3.8 years. After reoperation, patients initially showed improvement to a mean specific activity scale class of 1.6, compared with 2.4 before the first operation and 2.7 before the second operation. The principal correlate of a better long-term symptomatic response compared with that in the period before the first operation was a lower serum cholesterol level, whereas the principal correlate of a better symptomatic response compared with that in the period just before the reoperation was the left ventricular ejection fraction. As recurrent symptoms after a first coronary artery operation become more prevalent, consideration of the selection factors and prognostic correlates of reoperation will become increasingly important.[1]


  1. Clinical response to coronary artery reoperations. Lamas, G.A., Mudge, G.H., Collins, J.J., Koster, K., Cohn, L.H., Flatley, M., Shemin, R., Cook, E.F., Goldman, L. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. (1986) [Pubmed]
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