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Disease relevance of Reoperation


Psychiatry related information on Reoperation

  • Late complications included steroid dependency (n = 10), progressive dementia in the absence of recurrent tumor (n = 1), and radiation-induced necrosis (n = 9) requiring reoperation (n = 9) [6].

High impact information on Reoperation

  • Eight months after reoperation, plasma concentrations of IGF-I and IGF-II were normal, and high-molecular-weight IGF-II was virtually undetectable [7].
  • All three patients undergoing Glenn procedures (superior vena cava-to-RPA anastomosis) required reoperation or died without significant benefit [8].
  • Patients refusing reoperation received up to six cycles of EAP [9].
  • No patients in the reoperation subgroup died, but three of six COPD patients with deep sternal infection died, and COPD was an independent predictor of overall (early + late) mortality [10].
  • Moreover, reoperation for bleeding was 10-fold higher in the clopidogrel group (6.8% vs. 0.6%, p = 0.018) [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of Reoperation


Biological context of Reoperation


Anatomical context of Reoperation


Associations of Reoperation with chemical compounds

  • Although the proportion of all bleeding events in the enoxaparin group was significantly greater than in the low-dose heparin group, the rates of major bleeding and reoperation for bleeding were not significantly different [26].
  • All but four of the surviving patients with formalin preserved valves have required reoperation because of valve failure [27].
  • Because the patient was not a candidate for reoperation, total parenteral hyperalimentation was employed in management [28].
  • Urinary cyclic AMP is especially helpful in reoperation for multigland disease; when enough pathologic tissue has been removed, the criteria will be met and the procedure may be terminated with confidence [29].
  • In case of GORD relapse, patients allocated to omeprazole were offered ARS and those initially operated on had either a reoperation or were treated with omeprazole [30].

Gene context of Reoperation


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Reoperation


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