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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Iophendylate cisternography in diagnosis of cerebellopontine angle tumors. Report of 60 cases.

60 cases of bilateral cerebellopontine angle pantopaque cisternography done between May, 1972, and April, 1974, are reported. Of these, 9 showed a unilateral acoustic neurinoma of different sizes, 1 showed a bilateral acoustic neurinoma all confirmed by operation. Technical details and advantages of the procedure are discussed. There were no complications related to the procedure.[1]


  1. Iophendylate cisternography in diagnosis of cerebellopontine angle tumors. Report of 60 cases. Cabral, G., Carneiro, F.A., Pianetti, G., Lauar, E.H., de Sousa, O.G., Mariani, M.D., Rocha, D. J. Neurol. (1975) [Pubmed]
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