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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

The structure and formation of the egg-shell of Syphacia obvelata Rudolphi (Nematoda: Oxyurida).

The egg of Syphacia obvelata is a flattened elipsoid. The egg-shell consists of 5 layers: external uterine layer, internal uterine layer, vitelline layer, chitinous layer and lipid layer. An operculum is present at one pole of the egg. The opercular groove consists of a break in the uterine layers and the modification of the chitinous layer by the deposition of lipoprotein material. On the curved side of the egg the uterine layers are modified to form alternate ridges and depressions. Discrete spaces are present in the internal uterine layer between the ridges. These are open to the exterior via pores in the external uterine layer. The structure of the uterine layers is quite different on the flattened side of the egg. The morphology of the reproductive system and the formation of the egg-shell is described. It is suggested that the complex structure of the uterine layers of oxyurids forms by a self-assembly process.[1]


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