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Egg Shell

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Disease relevance of Egg Shell

  • These pollutants exerted no adverse effects on egg production, egg weight, egg shell thickness, feed consumption, adult body weight changes, livability and fertility after 8 weeks of biphenyl feeding, irrespective of biphenyl level or compound [1].
  • An increasing reduction in Listeria population was observed with increasing chlorine concentration from 16 to 77 mg/liter and treatment time from 1 to 5 min, resulting in a maximal reduction of 3.70 log CFU per shell egg compared with a deionized water wash for 5 min [2].
  • This is probably due to washing the lipids away from this layer during the dehydration of deeper layers of egg-shells that are imperfectly fixed with glutaraldehyde [3].

High impact information on Egg Shell

  • Localization of lysyl oxidase in hen oviduct: implications in egg shell membrane formation and composition [4].
  • The proposed protein is rich in glycine, lysine, and tyrosine and its overall amino acid composition agrees with that reported for the F. hepatica egg shell [5].
  • Expression of the CaBP occurs simultaneously with the onset of calcium absorption from the egg shell by the CAM, and the temporal increase in CaBP activity is coincident with calcium deposition in the embryo [6].
  • We found that the Dif protein was capable of restoring embryonic dorsal-ventral pattern elements and was able to define polarity correctly with respect to the orientation of the egg shell [7].
  • We conclude that a third EDG encodes a cuticle protein because the conceptual glycine-rich protein contains sequence motifs similar to those found in insect egg shell proteins and vertebrate cytokeratins and because expression of this gene is limited to tissues that deposit the pupal cuticle [8].

Chemical compound and disease context of Egg Shell

  • In summary, DDE and DDT were without effect on egg shell quality or most other reproductive factors, but DDE at 300 p.p.m. did exert a detrimental effect on adult body weights, fertility and mortality [9].
  • The addition of L-carnitine and sodium humate alone or in combination did not significantly affect body weight, feed consumption, egg production, feed conversion ratio, mortality, egg-shell thickness, egg yolk index and the percentages of egg-shell, albumen and yolk [10].

Biological context of Egg Shell


Anatomical context of Egg Shell

  • Similar sequences appear also in other proteins, i.e. elastin, spidroin, spider minor ampullate silk proteins, in matrix proteins of the chorion or egg shell membrane of insects and others [15].
  • Immunocytochemical studies of unfertilized and developing Ascaris eggs revealed association of protein tyrosine kinase and protein tyrosine phosphatase with the egg shell, in addition to their presence in the neighborhood of mitochondria [16].
  • Since Ca is transported against a concentration gradient between blood plasma, and the lumen of the shell gland, it is suggested that DDE, by inhibiting the Ca2+-Mg2+-activated ATPase, decreased the Ca translocation over the egg shell gland mucosa [17].

Associations of Egg Shell with chemical compounds

  • However, plasma 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D levels are highest immediately before and during the egg shell calcification phase of the egg-laying cycle [18].
  • Studies on the mode of action of calciferol. XXXIV. Relationship of the distribution of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 metabolites to gonadal activity and egg shell formation in the quail [19].
  • Egg shell quality and cholecalciferol metabolism in aged laying hens [20].
  • Changes in intestinal calcium absorption, calcium deposition into egg shell, and intestinal, renal and uterine calcium-binding protein (CaBP) in laying hens were related to changes in 25 hydroxycholecalciferol-1-hydroxylase activity (1-hydroxylase), or to the supplementation of 1alpha-hydroxycholecalciferol (1alpha-OH-CC) [21].
  • When the eggs were decorticated (the outer egg shell layers were removed with sodium hypochlorite, leaving only the lipoprotein ascaroside layer) before exposure to UV, 1.80-+/-0.32-log reduction (98.4%) was achieved with a fluence of 500 J/m2, suggesting that the outer eggshell layers protected A. suum eggs from inactivation by UV radiation [22].

Gene context of Egg Shell

  • Uterine and skin derived forms of microfilariae (mf) and earlier developing stages of the cattle filarial nematode Onchocerca gutturosa were examined for the lectin binding properties of their external surfaces (ie. egg shell and microfilarial cuticle) [23].
  • Involvement of osteopontin in egg shell formation in the laying chicken [24].
  • Although egg weight and percent of cracked eggs were higher and egg production and shell density (mg/cm2) were lower (significantly, P less than 0.01) in aged hens, shell weight, plasma Ca and duodenal and egg shell gland calbindin were similar to those of young hens [25].
  • We suggest that there may be a possible alteration in calcium metabolism in these babies, related to the fragile egg shells observed in PCB-contaminated birds and to the female hormone-enhancing effect of PCB [26].
  • The egg-shell consists of 5 layers: external uterine layer, internal uterine layer, vitelline layer, chitinous layer and lipid layer [27].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Egg Shell

  • Weanling rats fed a cariogenic diet supplemented with carbamyl phosphate, in combination with egg shell meal and trace elements, showed a striking reduction in the incidence of caries [28].
  • The effects of vitamin D3 sources, egg production and egg cycle on the genomic expression of calbindin (Mr 28,000) in the intestine and egg shell gland (ESG) of quail were characterized by Northern blot and solution hybridization, using synthetic oligonucleotide probe [29].
  • To estimate the nicarbazin consumption of birds that laid viable eggs (eggs that hatched or contained an embryo), a high-performance liquid chromatography method was developed to measure the concentration of DNC in egg shells [30].


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