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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

IgE class-specific suppressor T cells and factors in humans.

An in vitro experimental system for the induction of IgE production has been established with human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL). The stimulation of human PBL with PWM plus Cowan I induced IgM-, IgG-, and IgE- producing cells when assessed by reverse plaque assay. T cells, which had been isolated from patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and incubated with PPD plus IgE for 5 days, showed a suppressive effect on the polyclonal IgE response induced by PWM plus Cowan I. The direct addition of activated T cells, as well as the culture supernatant from activated T cells, abrogated the IgE response; the IgG response was not affected. The IgE-specific suppressive activity in the supernatant was specifically absorbed by an IgE column and could be eluted with acid buffer. The results demonstrated the presence of a human IgE binding factor(s), which showed its suppressive effect selectively in the IgE antibody response.[1]


  1. IgE class-specific suppressor T cells and factors in humans. Deguchi, H., Suemura, M., Ishizaka, A., Ozaki, Y., Kishimoto, S., Yamamura, Y., Kishimoto, T. J. Immunol. (1983) [Pubmed]
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