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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Glycemic response to wheat products: reduced response to pasta but no effect of fiber.

The blood glucose response to feeding 50-g carbohydrate portions of white and wholemeal bread and white spaghetti was studied in a group of nine diabetic subjects. Blood glucose rises after white and wholemeal bread were identical, but the response after spaghetti was markedly reduced. These results emphasize that food form rather than fiber may be important in determining the glycemic response and that pasta may be a useful source of carbohydrate in the diabetic diet.[1]


  1. Glycemic response to wheat products: reduced response to pasta but no effect of fiber. Jenkins, D.J., Wolever, T.M., Jenkins, A.L., Lee, R., Wong, G.S., Josse, R. Diabetes Care (1983) [Pubmed]
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