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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

The hemolytic activity of citral: evidence for free radical participation.

In the present investigation the hemolytic properties of citral were examined. Tests with different concentrations of citral showed that hemolysis of rat erythrocytes commenced after a lag period the length of which depended on the concentration of the hemolysin and tended to 100% hemolysis. Comparison of the characteristics of the hemolysis induced by high and low citral concentrations, indicated that two mechanisms are involved--a non specific steroid--terpenoid or glutathione depletion mechanism dominating at high citral concentrations and a free radical mechanism dominating at low citral concentrations. Experiments performed with various free radical scavengers indicate that 1O2 might be involved.[1]


  1. The hemolytic activity of citral: evidence for free radical participation. Tamir, I., Abramovici, A., Milo-Goldzweig, I., Segal, R. Biochem. Pharmacol. (1984) [Pubmed]
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