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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Development of onchocerca lienalis and O. volvulus from the third to fourth larval stage in vitro.

Third-stage larvae of Onchocerca volvulus and O. lienalis were observed to molt to the fourth stage in various cell-free in vitro systems. The percentage of O. lienalis completing the molt was similar in the three culture media and two gas phases tested ranging from 44.8% (1:1 IMDM:NCTC + 5% CO2: 95% N2) to 56.7% (L-15 + 5% CO2: 95% air). Percent molting in O. volvulus ranged from 0% (F12(K) + 5% CO2: 95% N2) to 33.3% (L-15 + 5% CO2: 95% N2). All media were supplemented with either 20% FCS or 20% horse serum. Molting by O. lienalis occurred on days 2-5 in culture. Molting by O. volvulus was observed as early as day 5 and as late as day 10. Incomplete casting of the third-stage cuticle was frequently observed in O. volvulus. Larvae of both species entered a lethargus 24-48 hours prior to the onset of molting. Maximum survival in culture was 42 days for O. lienalis and 25 days for O. volvulus. Significant growth of larval O. lienalis was noted early in the culture period, but neither species continued development to the fifth stage.[1]


  1. Development of onchocerca lienalis and O. volvulus from the third to fourth larval stage in vitro. Lok, J.B., Pollack, R.J., Cupp, E.W., Bernardo, M.J., Donnelly, J.J., Albiez, E.J. Tropenmedizin und Parasitologie. (1984) [Pubmed]
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