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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Assignment of peptidase S (PEPS) to chromosome 4 in man using somatic cell hybrids.

A starch gel electrophoretic procedure is described that resolves peptidase S (PEPS) as well as the peptidases A, B, and C in man-rodent, rodent-rodent, and primate-rodent interspecific somatic cell hybrids. The interspecific PEPS cell hybrid phenotype can be resolved into a pattern which suggests that PEPS is composed of five or six identical subunits. Results are presented supporting assignment of the PEPS locus to chromosome 4 in man using man-mouse and man-Chinese hamster somatic cell hybrids. Human genes coding for peptidases A, B, C, and D were assigned to chromosome 18, 12, 1, and 19, respectively, confirming previous assignments. These somatic cell genetic data demonstrate the independent genetic control of the several human peptidases.[1]


  1. Assignment of peptidase S (PEPS) to chromosome 4 in man using somatic cell hybrids. Shows, T.B., Brown, J.A., Eddy, R.L., Byers, M.G., Haley, L.L., Cooper, E.S., Goggin, A.P. Hum. Genet. (1978) [Pubmed]
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