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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Ultrasound evaluation of cystic intracranial lesions in the neonate.

Ultrasound detected cystic intracranial lesions in 18 infants. Lesions included porencephaly (6 infants), hydranencephaly (1 infant), a quadrigeminal cyst (1 infant), Dandy-Walker syndrome (1 infant), and cavum septi pellucidi and Vergae (9 infants). Cystic lesions of the infant brain can be delineated accurately with ultrasound and distinguished from normal ventricular structures.[1]


  1. Ultrasound evaluation of cystic intracranial lesions in the neonate. Mack, L.A., Rumack, C.M., Johnson, M.L. Radiology. (1980) [Pubmed]
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