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Gene Review

DWS  -  dandy-walker syndrome

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: C3DELq22q24, DEL3q22q24
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Disease relevance of DWS


Psychiatry related information on DWS

  • The MDWS model is an extension of the Duifhuis, Willems, and Sluyter pitch meter (DWS) [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 71, 1568-1580 (1982)] which is a practical implementation of Goldstein's optimum processor theory of pitch perception [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 54, 1496-1516 (1973)] [6].
  • The Dandy-Walker syndrome is said to be associated with a high incidence of mental retardation and motor dysfunction leading some to suggest termination of the affected fetus in utero [7].

High impact information on DWS


Chemical compound and disease context of DWS


Biological context of DWS

  • The incidence of DWS was 1.0 per 100,000 live births per year [1].
  • The matrixes included 2 natural water samples [National Institute of Standards and Technology Standard Reference Material (NIST SRM) 1643e and NIST SRM 1640], 1 fortified standard solution (TMDA-64), 1 fortified water sample (TM-DWS), and 2 seawater samples (CASS-4 and NASS-5) [14].
  • Prenatal diagnosis of Dandy-Walker syndrome in early pregnancy presenting with increased nuchal translucency and generalized edema at 13 weeks of gestation [15].
  • Data used in this assessment were collected from literature sources and from the Drinking Water Surveillance Program (DWSP) of Ontario. For many common contaminants, there was insufficient environmental exposure (concentration) information in Ontario drinking water and groundwater [16].
  • We studied the blink reflex (especially the late components ipsi- and contralateral to stimulation site, R2 and R2') in 17 patients under 6 years of age; 12 with Chiari malformation, 1 with Dandy-Walker syndrome and 4 with brainstem tumor [17].

Anatomical context of DWS


Associations of DWS with chemical compounds

  • DWS microrheology of a linear polysaccharide [22].
  • Spin-echo images in the coronal, axial, and sagittal planes were obtained in two patients with Aicardi's syndrome and partial agenesis of the corpus callosum, in one patient with Dandy-Walker syndrome, and in two patients with septooptic dysplasia [23].
  • The rare finding of strong periventricular enhancement was observed by means of intraoperative CT cisternography using Iotrolan in a one-month-old boy with Dandy-Walker syndrome associated with occipital cephalocele [24].

Other interactions of DWS


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of DWS


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