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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Two independent pathways of expression lead to self-assembly of the rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus capsid protein.

The rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus capsid protein was expressed in insect cells either as an individual protein species, from a mRNA analogous to the viral subgenomic RNA, or as part of a polyprotein that included the viral 3C-like protease and the RNA polymerase. Both pathways of expression led to the assembly of viruslike particles morphologically and antigenically similar to purified virus.[1]


  1. Two independent pathways of expression lead to self-assembly of the rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus capsid protein. Sibilia, M., Boniotti, M.B., Angoscini, P., Capucci, L., Rossi, C. J. Virol. (1995) [Pubmed]
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