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Gene Review

RHDVgp1  -  polyprotein

Rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus

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Disease relevance of RHDVgp1


High impact information on RHDVgp1

  • The consensus sequences of already identified or putative proteolytic cleavage sites in the viral polyprotein were changed by the introduction of mutations into the expression construct [1].
  • The genome is 7437 bases long and includes two ORFs, ORF1 (7034 b) and ORF2 (353 b), coding for the polyprotein and the Vp12, respectively [4].

Biological context of RHDVgp1

  • These data favor the hypothesis that this viral polypeptide is mainly produced from the subgenomic mRNA and not from the genomic RNA by processing of the putative polyprotein generated from the major open reading frame [5].


  1. Rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus: genome organization and polyprotein processing of a calicivirus studied after transient expression of cDNA constructs. Meyers, G., Wirblich, C., Thiel, H.J., Thumfart, J.O. Virology (2000) [Pubmed]
  2. 3C-like protease of rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus: identification of cleavage sites in the ORF1 polyprotein and analysis of cleavage specificity. Wirblich, C., Sibilia, M., Boniotti, M.B., Rossi, C., Thiel, H.J., Meyers, G. J. Virol. (1995) [Pubmed]
  3. Processing of rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus polyprotein. Martín Alonso, J.M., Casais, R., Boga, J.A., Parra, F. J. Virol. (1996) [Pubmed]
  4. Sequence and genomic organization of a rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus isolated from a wild rabbit. Rasschaert, D., Huguet, S., Madelaine, M.F., Vautherot, J.F. Virus Genes (1995) [Pubmed]
  5. The amino terminal sequence of VP60 from rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus supports its putative subgenomic origin. Parra, F., Boga, J.A., Marin, M.S., Casais, R. Virus Res. (1993) [Pubmed]
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