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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Mouse mammary-tumor virus activates Fgf-3/Int-2 less frequently in tumors from virgin than from parous mice.

Tumorigenesis by mouse mammary-tumor virus (MMTV) involves proviral disruption and transcriptional activation of a number of cellular oncogenes, generically termed Int. The frequencies with which different Int genes are activated in different mouse strains can be quite variable, and previous surveys have suggested that insertions at Int-2/Fgf-3 occur primarily in strains that develop pregnancy-dependent mammary tumors. To address this issue, we have determined the relative contributions of 5 known Int genes (Wnt-1, Wnt-3, Fgf-3, Fgf-4 and Int-3) in mammary tumors from virgin BR6 and multiparous BR6, BALB/cfBR6 and RIII mice. Whereas Fgf-3 was implicated in 66%, 80% and 92% of the tumors from the respective parous animals, only 20% of the tumors from virgin mice expressed Fgf-3. This reduced involvement of Fgf-3 was compensated by proviral insertions in Fgf-4, Int-3 and Wnt-3, but the frequency of Wnt-1 activation was relatively constant. These data strengthen the link between Fgf-3 and a pregnancy-dependent phenotype and suggest that, in the strains analyzed, the frequency of Int-gene activation was influenced more by the hormonal status than by the genetic background.[1]


  1. Mouse mammary-tumor virus activates Fgf-3/Int-2 less frequently in tumors from virgin than from parous mice. Clausse, N., Smith, R., Calberg-Bacq, C.M., Peters, G., Dickson, C. Int. J. Cancer (1993) [Pubmed]
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