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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

The Drosophila neuralized gene encodes a C3HC4 zinc finger.

The neurogenic genes of Drosophila are required for cell-cell communication that determines the choice between neuronal and epidermal cell fate. Here we report the molecular characterization of the neurogenic gene neuralized (neu) and show that it encodes a protein containing a C3HC4 zinc finger DNA-binding motif. This motif has been previously characterized in a variety of regulatory proteins, including transcription factors, locus-specific Drosophila chromosomal proteins, and oncoproteins. These results suggest a nuclear function for neu in the cell-cell signalling process responsible for inhibiting neuronal determination.[1]


  1. The Drosophila neuralized gene encodes a C3HC4 zinc finger. Price, B.D., Chang, Z., Smith, R., Bockheim, S., Laughon, A. EMBO J. (1993) [Pubmed]
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