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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

The diverse pathogenic potential of anti-DNA antibodies from various sources to induce experimental systemic lupus erythematosus.

It has previously been shown that immunization with pathogenic anti-DNA idiotypes ( Ids; e.g. 16/6 Id) leads to the induction of experimental system lupus erythematosus ( SLF) in naive mice. The disease is characterized by serological (e.g. anti-double-strand DNA), clinical (elevation of erythrocyte sedimentation rate, leukopenia and proteinuria) and histological (immune complex deposition in kidneys) parameters. To determine whether the 16/6 Id carrying anti-DNA antibodies has unique pathogenic ability, in the current study we have employed diverse sources of anti-DNA antibodies to induce experimental SLE. An IgM anti-DNA antibody lacking the 16/6 Id was able to induce the production of the serological markers of experimental SLE, but not the clinico-histological findings. Furthermore, an IgA anti-DNA (16/6 Id derived from the serum of a patient with celiac disease was very effective in inducing the whole presentation of experimental SLE. Other anti-DNA antibodies failed to induce the autoimmune condition. Combined with our previous experience, the current study points to the diverse potential of various anti-DNA antibodies to induce SLE. The 16/6 Id is only one of a list of the potent pathogenic anti-DNA Ids. These facts may explain in part the diversity of clinical presentations of SLE, including asymptomatic subjects who carry high serum titers of anti-DNA antibodies.[1]


  1. The diverse pathogenic potential of anti-DNA antibodies from various sources to induce experimental systemic lupus erythematosus. Swissa, M., Lerner, A., Sasaki, T., Sela, E., Blank, M., Shoenfeld, Y. Pathobiology (1996) [Pubmed]
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