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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Mouse mutants carrying deletions that remove the genes mutated in Coffin-Lowry syndrome and lactic acidosis.

The mouse X-linked mutants lined and stripey are associated with lethality of affected males in utero and a striping of the coat in carrier females. We demonstrate that the underlying mutations are nested deletions which lie in the Phex-Amelx chromosomal segment conserved between man and mouse. The lined deletion contains less than approximately 0.7 cM of genetic material and includes the growth factor-regulated protein kinase gene, Rsk2. Stripey carries a larger deletion which removes approximately 2.0 cM of genetic material, including Rsk2 and the pyruvate dehydrogenase E1alpha subunit gene, Pdha1 . Since Coffin-Lowry syndrome and neonatal lactic acidosis are associated with mutations in the human homologues of Rsk2 and Pdha1 respectively, lined and stripey provide models for gene deficiencies in these disorders.[1]


  1. Mouse mutants carrying deletions that remove the genes mutated in Coffin-Lowry syndrome and lactic acidosis. Blair, H.J., Gormally, E., Uwechue, I.C., Boyd, Y. Hum. Mol. Genet. (1998) [Pubmed]
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