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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Lack of PPCA expression only partially coincides with lysosomal storage in galactosialidosis mice: indirect evidence for spatial requirement of the catalytic rather than the protective function of PPCA.

Protective protein/cathepsin A (PPCA) is a pleiotropic lysosomal enzyme that complexes with beta-galactosidase and neuraminidase, and possesses serine carboxypeptidase activity. Its deficiency in man results in the neurodegenerative lysosomal storage disorder galactosialidosis (GS). The mouse model of this disease resembles the human early onset phenotype and results in severe nephropathy and ataxia. To understand better the pathophysiology of the disease, we compared the occurrence of lysosomal PPCA mRNA and protein in normal adult mouse tissues with the incidence of lysosomal storage in PPCA(-/-) mice. PPCA expression was markedly variable among different tissues. Most sites that produced both mRNA and protein at high levels in normal mice showed extensive and overt storage in the knockout mice. However, this correlation was not consistent as some cells that normally expressed high levels of PPCA were unaffected in their storage capability in the PPCA(-/-) mice. In addition, some normally low expressing cells accumulated large amounts of undegraded products in the GS mouse. This apparent discrepancy may reflect a requirement for the catalytic rather than the protective function of PPCA and/or the presence of cell-specific substrates in certain cell types. A detailed map showing the cellular distribution of PPCA in nomal mouse tissues as well as the sites of lysosomal storage in deficient mice is critical for accurate assessment of the effects of therapeutic interventions.[1]


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