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Amino-terminal sequences that direct nucleoporin nup153 to the inner surface of the nuclear envelope.

Nup153 is a large O-linked glycoprotein that is a component of the basket-like structure that forms the nucleoplasmic face of nuclear pore complexes (NPCs). The Nup153 molecule has a tripartite structure consisting of N- and C-terminal domains flanking a central zinc finger domain. All of the targeting and assembly information contained within Nup153 is contributed by the N-domain. In fact this region of the molecule can target a cytosolic protein, pyruvate kinase, to the nucleoplasmic face of the NPC. The zinc finger and C-terminal domains appear to have no role in these targeting and assembly activities. Deletion analysis reveals that there are two distinct regions within the Nup153 N-domain that contain different targeting functions. One of these is directly involved in assembly into the NPC while a second overlapping region may target Nup153, as well as other reporter molecules, to the inner face of the nuclear envelope.[1]


  1. Amino-terminal sequences that direct nucleoporin nup153 to the inner surface of the nuclear envelope. Enarson, P., Enarson, M., Bastos, R., Burke, B. Chromosoma (1998) [Pubmed]
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